Street light!

>> Friday

Street light!
Between the light and darkness
soft yellow glare of streetlights ,
illuminating streets ;
Brightens up the night,
Guiding us on our way
along our streets and roads!


Mountains all  glowing
watching the blushing sunset
across western horizon
Whispering good-night!

Birds in the Rain!


Birds in the Rain!
Monsoon series
Tiny droplets of the falling rain,
and softly  each raindrop shed
The soft leaves peep and stir head!
Flowers glisten, damp with dew.
Two tiny birds sit on the fence,
Singing in the rain
Melodious tunes arise
Clouds conquered by song
Soothing to my ears!

Snow clad Mountains!

>> Thursday


Mist covers mountains,

Snuggling the flowerbeds

With a winter wrap;

Tranquil and serene

Undisturbed by man’s progress

Nature’s oasis!

Night sky!


Summer night

Even the stars are

Whispering to each other

It is a beautiful and delightful sight!

Daisy Flowers!

>> Monday



Meadow of daisies;
beauty in nature
flower blooms so
sweet and luscious
Enticing to the eyes
Soothing for the soul!

Glowing MoonLight!


It is a soothing glow of moonlight,
most where trees are sending
Their breezy boughs on high,
Or stooping low are lending
A shelter from the sky.
The silence penetrates the lonely night,
That calm soothes my soul ‘n mind.
( My attempt on Lan's moon lit .I am very much impressed by his tutorial.)

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